Multiple structure alignment

Visualization of Superposition

  Lcore:   97

  ccRMSD:   1.53Å

  ccTM-score:   0.62

  Lali:   129.78

  RMSD:   1.75Å

  TM-score:   0.80

Different views



Structure Alignment

Columns in red are common core regions (i.e., columns with no gaps and the maximum pairwise residue distance < 4Å).
Structure-based phylogenetic tree


  • R Dong, S Pan, Z Peng, Y Zhang, J Yang, mTM-align: a server for fast protein structure database search and multiple protein structure alignment, Nucleic Acids Research, 46: W380–W386 (2018).
  • R Dong, Z Peng, Y Zhang, J Yang, mTM-align: an algorithm for fast and accurate multiple protein structure alignment, Bioinformatics, 34: 1719-1725 (2018).