Download data from Q-BioLiP

  • The redundant data in single-chain format like BioLiP can be downloaded here.
  • The list of small molecules that are commonly used in protein structure determination can be downloaded here.
  • All DNA structures can be downloaded here.
  • All RNA structures can be downloaded here.
  • The script to convert between mmCIF format and PDB format can be downloaded here.
  • The 100 structures to validate DNA/RNA pairing algorithm can be downloaded here.
  • The Redundant receptor structures contains the receptor from all interactions (i.e. biological relevant + irrelevant interactions) and the structures with ligands or proteins only.
  • The Non-redundant version is based on biological relevant interactions.

  • All data (before 2024-05-31) File Size Download link
    (i.e., biologically relevant +
    irrelevant interactions +
    structures with ligands/proteins only)
    Receptor structures 71 G / 61 G mmCIF format / PDB format
    Ligand structures 5.4 G / 4.7 G mmCIF format / PDB format
    Annotation 745 M link
    Non-redundant (nr-sequence)
    (i.e., biologically relevant interactions for all ligands,
    including small molecules,
    peptide, DNA/RNA, and metal ions)
    Receptor structures 7.3 G / 6.3 G mmCIF format / PDB format
    Ligand structures 887 M / 763 M mmCIF format / PDB format
    Annotation 58 M link
    Non-redundant (nr-structure)
    (The same as nr-sequence above)
    Receptor structures 4.8 G / 4.1 G mmCIF format / PDB format
    Ligand structures 393 M / 335 M mmCIF format / PDB format
    Annotation 37 M link
    Ligand information
    (i.e., ID, Name, Synonyms, SMILES, etc)
    Ligand 21 M link

    Interaction-based data Redundant Non-redundant
    Protein–small molecules interaction Receptor, Ligand, Fasta, Annoation Receptor, Ligand, Fasta, Annoation
    Protein–metal ions interaction Receptor, Ligand, Fasta, Annoation Receptor, Ligand, Fasta, Annoation
    Protein–peptide interaction Receptor, Ligand, Fasta, Annoation Receptor, Ligand, Fasta, Annoation
    Protein–protein interaction Structure, Fasta, Annotation Structure, Fasta, Annotation
    Protein–DNA interaction Receptor, Ligand, Fasta, Annoation Receptor, Ligand, Fasta, Annoation
    Protein–RNA interaction Receptor, Ligand, Fasta, Annoation Receptor, Ligand, Fasta, Annoation
    RNA–small molecules interaction Receptor, Ligand, Fasta, Annoation Receptor, Ligand, Fasta, Annoation

    Weekly update Show


  • Wei et al, Q-BioLiP: A Comprehensive Resource for Quaternary Structure-based Protein–ligand InteractionsGenomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 22(1), qzae001, 2024. (PDF)