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(resolution Å)
Stoichiometry Ligand
Site Experimental
BL121 11bg (1.9) 11bg_2 Homo 4-mer -A4 U2G BS01 N/A
BL122 11bg (1.9) 11bg_2 Homo 4-mer -A4 U2G BS02 N/A
BL123 11bg (1.9) 11bg_2 Homo 4-mer -A4 U2G BS03 N/A
BL124 11bg (1.9) 11bg_2 Homo 4-mer -A4 SO4 BS04 N/A
BL125 11bg (1.9) 11bg_2 Homo 4-mer -A4 SO4 BS05 N/A
BL126 11bg (1.9) 11bg_2 Homo 4-mer -A4 SO4 BS06 N/A
BL127 11bg (1.9) 11bg_2 Homo 4-mer -A4 SO4 BS07 N/A
BL128 11bg (1.9) 11bg_2 Homo 4-mer -A4 U2G BS08 N/A
BL129 11bg (1.9) 11bg_2 Homo 4-mer -A4 SO4 BS09 N/A
BL130 11bg (1.9) 11bg_2 Homo 4-mer -A4 U2G BS10 N/A
BL131 11bg (1.9) 11bg_2 Homo 4-mer -A4 SO4 BS11 N/A
BL132 11bg (1.9) 11bg_2 Homo 4-mer -A4 SO4 BS12 N/A
BL133 11bg (1.9) 11bg_2 Homo 4-mer -A4 SO4 BS13 N/A
BL134 11bg (1.9) 11bg_2 Homo 4-mer -A4 SO4 BS14 N/A
BL135 11bg (1.9) 11bg_2 Homo 4-mer -A4 SO4 BS15 N/A
BL136 11bg (1.9) 11bg_2 Homo 4-mer -A4 SO4 BS16 N/A
BL137 11bg (1.9) 11bg_2 Homo 4-mer -A4 SO4 BS17 N/A
BL138 11bg (1.9) 11bg_2 Homo 4-mer -A4 SO4 BS18 N/A
BL139 11bg (1.9) 11bg_2 Homo 4-mer -A4 U2G BS19 N/A
BL140 11bg (1.9) 11bg_2 Homo 4-mer -A4 SO4 BS20 N/A
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  • Wei et al, Q-BioLiP: A Comprehensive Resource for Quaternary Structure-based Protein–ligand InteractionsGenomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 22(1), qzae001, 2024. (PDF)