Lab News
  • Aug 2024, Yang Lab received funding from the Key Program of the NSFC, for developing data-driven approach to protein-ligand structure prediction and design. Congratulations!
  • June 2024, Dr. Wenkai Wang received the prestigious Postdoctoral Innovation Talent Support Program from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Congrats!
  • June 2024, Congratulations to Hong Wei and Wenkai Wang on defending their PhD theses. Hong will join the TianJin Medical University as a faculty, while Wenkai will become a postdoctoral fellow in our group.
  • June 2024, Congratulations to Ziyi Wang and Haiyan Wu on defending their Master thesis. Ziyi will join the China Eastern Airline and Haiyan will join an IT company.
  • Apr 2024, Jianyi Yang was awarded the The Intelligent Computing Innovators China 2023 by MIT Technology Review China x DeepTech.
  • Mar 2024, Jianyi Yang was selected for Elsevier's 2023 "Highly Cited Chinese Researchers".
  • Nov 2023, Jianyi Yang was selected as the 2023 Highly Cited Researcher in the field of Cross-Field by Clarivate.
  • Oct 2023, Our group participated to the 12th National Conference on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology of China. Wenkai Wang and Qiuyi Lv presented in the conference. Wenkai Wang won the best poster award.
  • Mar 2023, Jianyi Yang was selected as the 2022 Most Cited Chinese Researchers by Elsevier.
  • Dec 2022, Our group won the protein structure prediction competition in CASP15. Yang-Server was ranked at the top among 132 participating groups in the CASP15 experiment.
  • Oct 2022, Wenkai Wang won the National Graduate Student Scholarship!
  • Sep 2022, Jianyi Yang was awarded the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars!
  • Sep 2022, Zhenling Peng was awarded the National Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars!
  • Sep 2022, Welcome to the EMBO workshop (05-08 September 2022, Palermo, Italy, Hybrid meeting): When predictions meet experiments: The future of structure determination.
  • June 2022, Zongyang Du had her Phd thesis defense, Congrats! She will join Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications as a faculty.
  • Apr 2022, Jianyi Yang was selected as the 2021 Most Cited Chinese Researchers by Elsevier.
  • Apr 2022, Our group won the GPCR Dock 2021 experiment. The APJ model from our group (SDU-Yang) was ranked No.1 out of 202 submitted models. The model was built based on trRosettaX and COACH-D.
  • Oct 2021, Lisha Ye won the National Graduate Student Scholarship. Congrats!
  • Sep 2021, A new paper about the latest development of trRosetta with a new multi-scale network and homologous templates was accepted to Advanced Science. Congrats to Hong Su and Wenkai Wang!
  • Aug 2021, A new paper with detailed guidelines for using the trRosetta server and the standalone package was accepted to Nature Protocols. Congrats to Zongyang Du and Hong Su!
  • July 2021, Our group has moved from Nankai University to Shandong University.
  • June 2021, Dr. Hong Su was selected as the prestigious the Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, Germany, Congrats!.
  • June 2021, Yajun Dai and Shoufang Yan had their Master thesis defense, Congrats! Shoufang will join the Autobio. Yajun will join the DiDi. Click here to view the photos.
  • June 2021, Hong Su and Saisai Sun had their Phd thesis defense, Congrats! Hong will be a postdoctoral fellow the Johannes Soeding lab at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry. Saisai will join the Xidian Univerisity as a faculty. Click here to view the photos.
  • Mar 2021, EMBL-EBI news: trRosetta predicts protein structures for every protein family in the Pfam database.
  • Dec 2020, Jianyi Yang was awarded the Shange Scholarship (first prize)!
  • Oct 2020, Hong Su participated in the 2020 National Postdoctoral Forum on the Development and Application of Artificial Intelligence. Her paper won the 2nd prize. Congrats!
  • Oct 2020, Hong Wei and Yajun Dai won the National Graduate Student Scholarship. Hong Su, Saisai Sun and Zongyang Du won Nankai University's Graduate Student Scholarship. Congrats!
  • Oct 2020, Wenkai Wang, Yi Shi, Hong Wei, Yuze Jiang, Chen Yao and Shengyi Zong joined our group. Welcome!
  • Sep 2020, We participated in the 9th National Conference on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology of China. Click here to view the photos.
  • June 2020, Qi Wu had his Phd thesis defense, Congrats! Qi was selected as an Outstanding Graduate Student. He will join the Xiangtan University as a faculty.
  • June 2020, Baixin Cao had his Master thesis defense, Congrats! He will join the Alibaba Group.
  • Apr 2020, The trRosetta structure models for 10 SARS-CoV-2 proteins that do not have homologous templates in PDB were released at: SARS-2-CoV.
  • Mar 2020, The trRosetta paper was selected as research highlights by Nature Methods, and recommended in F1000Prime.
  • Jan 2020, Our collaboration work with the Baker lab on deep learning- and Rosetta-based protein structure prediction was published online at PNAS. Congrats!
  • Nov 2019, Our work on protein threading with predicted contact map was accepted to Bioinformatics. Congrats!
  • Oct 2019, Saisai Sun and Hong Su were awarded the Graduate Student Scholarship. Congratulations to them!
  • Sep 2019, Runze Dong received full PhD scholarship (BPSD program) from the University of Washington.
  • Sep 2019, Kun Zhu, Lisa Ye, Ruiyang Song, and Zongyang Du joined our group. Welcome!
  • June 2019, Our work on protein contact map prediction was accepted to Bioinformatics. Congrats!
  • June 2019, Shuo Pan had his Master thesis defense, Congrats! His thesis was selected as an excellent graduate thesis. He will join the Big-data Engineer at Beijing ByteDance Technology Co Ltd.
  • Oct 2018, Jianyi and Zhenling visited the Baker Lab. The visit is for one year and supported by scholarship from the China Scholarship Council (CSC).
  • Oct 2018, Shuo and Qi were awarded the Graduate Student Scholarship. Congratulations to them!
  • Oct 2018, Our collaboration work with Dr Pande's group in Standford University for molecular property prediction was accepted to ACS Central Science. Congrats!
  • Oct 2018, Saisai's work for RNA solvent accessibility prediction was accepted to Bioinformatics. Congrats!
  • Sep 2018, Yajun and Shoufang joined our group as master students. Welcome!
  • Aug 2018, Hong's work for nucleic acids-binding residues prediction was accepted to Bioinformatics. Congrats!
  • Aug 2018, Yang Lab received two NSFC grants for studying protein structure prediction and intrinsic disorder proteins, respectively.
  • Jun 2018, Runze, Shuo, Hong, Qi and Saisai made presentations in the BIIP2018 conference. Hong won the Best Student Paper Award. Click here to view the photos.
  • Jun 2018, Runze had his Matster thesis defense and graduated with honors. Congrats!
  • Jun 2018, Our work for peptide binding residues prediction was accepted to Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. Congrats!
  • May 2018, Lab field trip to the Panshan Scenic Resort. Click here to view the photos.
  • May 2018, We participated in the 2018 Youth Forum. Click here to view the photos.
  • May 2018, Our article that describes the mTM-align server for efficient protein structure comparison was accepted to Nucleic Acids Research. Congrats!
  • May 2018, Our article that describes the COACH-D server for improved protein-ligand binding site prediciton with molecular docking was accepted to Nucleic Acids Research. Congrats!
  • Mar 2018, Yang Lab received support from the Fok Ying-Tong Education Foundation.
  • Mar 2018, Qiaozhen's work for coenzyme A (CoA) binding residues prediction was accepted to Bioinformatics. Congrats!
  • Jan 2018, Jianyi was promoted to Professor. Congrats!
  • Dec 2017, Runze's work for multiple protein structure alignment was accepted to Bioinformatics. Congrats!
  • Oct 2017, Hong, Saisai and Runze were awarded the Graduate Student Scholarship. Congratulations to them!
  • Mar 2017, Our work for investigation about the impact of protein structural and sequence similarity on the binding affinity prediciton was accepted to Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling.
  • Mar 2017, Our article for phylogeny reconstruction was accepted to Bioinformatics.
  • Nov 2016, Our article for protein fold classification was accepted to Bioinformatics.
  • Sep 2016, Our article for large-scale assessment of residue-residue contact prediction methods was accepted to Briefings in Bioinformatics.
  • Jul 2016, Jianyi Yang was selected to serve as the Associate Editor of BMC Bioinformatics.
  • Jan 2016, Jianyi Yang was selected by the Hundred Young Academic Leaders Program of Nankai University.
  • Sep 2015, Our article that describes the residue-specific quality estimation of protein structure models was accepted to Journal of Molecular Biology.
  • Aug 2015, Yang Lab received the NSFC grant for studying protein-ligand interactions.
  • Apr 2015, Our article that describes the new development of the I-TASSER server was accepted to Nucleic Acids Research.
  • Jan 2015, Jianyi Yang joined Nankai University as an Associate Professor.