Jianyi Yang's Research Group
With the interdisciplinary research involving
Artificial intelligence,
Mathematics, and
Life science, we create novel algorithms for structural bioinformatics. We are interested in the following areas:
- Protein structure prediction
- RNA structure prediction
- Protein-ligand interaction
- Protein structure alignment
- Intrinsically disordered proteins
- Dec 2024,
Our group won CASP16! Read the news in Chinese here.
> Yang-Server was ranked at the 1st among 110 groups in the Protein Domains.
> Yang-Multimer was ranked at the 2nd among 82 groups in the Protein multimers.
> Yang-Server was ranked at the 4th among 64 groups (1st among 16 automated Server groups) in the RNA monomers.
- Dec 2024, Our paper entitled "Protein Structure prediction in the deep learning era" in
Current Opinion in Structural Biology has been announced as one of the COSB best papers in 2023. Congratulations!
- Aug 2024, Yang Lab received funding from the Key Program of the NSFC, for developing data-driven approach to protein-ligand structure prediction and design. Congratulations!
- June 2024, Dr. Wenkai Wang received the prestigious Postdoctoral Innovation Talent Support Program from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Congrats!
- Master and PhD students: We are enrolling 3~6 Master students and 2~3 PhD students every year (read more ...).
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow: We are seeking talented and creative postdoc candidates who are interested in algorithm development in structural bioinformatics. (read more ...)