The QDistance modeling results are generally summarized in a webpage, the link of which is sent to the users after the modeling is completed (
QDistance-single output or
QDistance-cluster output). This page includes a detailed explanation on the data listed on the QDistance output page.
About QDistance
As shown in Figure 1, QDistance works for both single-model and multi-models inputs.We designed several distance-based features to assess the agreement between the predicted and modelderived inter-residue distances.
Together with a few widely used features, they are fed into a simple yet powerful linear regression model to infer the global QA scores.
The local QA scores for each structure model are predicted based on a comparative analysis with a set of selected reference models.
(1) For single-model input, the reference models are predicted by trRosetta.
(2) For multi-models input, the reference models are selected from the input based on the predicted global QA scores.

Figure 1. The flowchart of the QDistance algorithm.
Predicted QDistance-single result

Figure 2. The predicted QDistance-single result.
Predicted QDistance-cluster result

Figure 3. The predicted QDistance-cluster result.
How to cite QDistance?
Please cite the following article when you use the QDistance server:
L Ye, P Wu, Z Peng, J Gao, J Liu, J Yang, Improved estimation of model quality using predicted inter-residue distance, Bioinformatics, 37: 3752-3759 (2021).
Need more help?
If you have more questions or comments about the server, please email yangjy