

QDistance is a global and local model quality estimation algorithm using predicted inter-residue distance by trRosetta. It supports inputs of both single model and multiple models. Blind tests in the CASP14 experiments showed that QDistance (Yang_TBM) was robust and ranked among the top performers. Especially, QDistance was the top 3 local QA method and made the most accurate local prediction for unreliable local region. The returned results include:

  • Predicted inter-residue distance map
  • Predicted GDT_TS score and local distance deviation
  • Model-derived distance map (for single-model input)
  • Visualization of local quality in the 3D structure and a 2D plot


  • Provide the protein structure (mandatory, uploaded structure should contain only a single model.)  
  • Please copy and paste your structure below (in PDB format). Click here for an example PDB input...  

    Or upload the structure file in PDB format.

  • Other information (optional)
  • Email:(Optional, where the results will be sent to)

    ID:(Optional, your given name to this structure)

    Keep my results private (check this box if you want to keep your job private. A key will be assigned for you to access the results)

  • Provide the protein structures (mandatory, uploaded structures should contain only a single model.)  

  • Please put all of your structures (in PDB format) in a folder, compress it first, and then upload it below.
    (acceptable tarball includes *.tar, *.tar.bz2, *tar.gz, *.tar.xz, *.tgz, *.xz and *.zip format). Click here to download an example PDB input...    

  • Other information (optional)

  • Email: (Optional, where the results will be sent to)

    Target name: (Optional, your given name to this protein family)

    Keep my results private (check this box if you want to keep your job private. A key will be assigned for you to access the results)


  • L Ye, P Wu, Z Peng, J Gao, J Liu, J Yang, Improved estimation of model quality using predicted inter-residue distance, Bioinformatics, 37: 3752-3759 (2021).