Q-SITE results for job QS000016 (your_protein)

Input: Submitted protein   Submitted ligand           Output: Download all results
Predicted models (click on the 'View' buttons to visualize different models)
Rank Poseu Poset CScore Protein template Ligand template Predicted binding residues Downloadu Downloadt
1 0.70 1A6W_1 NIP Complexu Complext
2 0.66 5XCR_2 PEPTIDE Complexu Complext
3 0.65 1I3G_1 MPD Complexu Complext
4 0.64 1NC2_2 DOE Complexu Complext
5 0.64 1AJ7_1 NPE Complexu Complext


  • Wei et al, Q-BioLiP: A Comprehensive Resource for Quaternary Structure-based Protein–ligand InteractionsGenomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 22(1), qzae001, 2024. (PDF)