
Q-SITE is an algorithm for quaternary structure-based modeling of protein-ligand complex structure. It first recognizes ligand-binding templates from Q-BioLiP based on the alignment of both global structure and binding-specific substructures. The binding information from the detected templates is then transferred to the query structure based on the alignment. Finally, the complex structure is bulit on the predicted binding site by AutoDock Vina. Sequence input is not accepted currently, due to the difficulty of protein-protein complex structure prediction. Both monomer structures and oligomer structures are supported. Read more about Q-SITE...

The major results returned include (click here for an example):


  • Provide the structure file of biological unit
  • Please copy and paste your structure below in PDB format: Click here for an example PDB input...

    Or upload the structure file in PDB format.

  • Provide the ligand file (optional)
  • Upload your ligand file below (in MOL2, PDB or SDF format). Download an example input in MOL2,   PDB,   SDF

  • Other information (optional)
  • Email: (Optional, where the results will be sent to)

    Target name: (Optional, your given name to this target)

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  • Wei et al, Q-BioLiP: A Comprehensive Resource for Quaternary Structure-based Protein–ligand InteractionsGenomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 22(1), qzae001, 2024. (PDF)