

NucBind is a novel method for the prediciton of nucleic acids-binding residues, including DNA and RNA molecules. It combines the predictions from a support vector machine-based ab-initio method SVMnuc and a template-based method COACH-D. SVMnuc was trained with features from three complementary sequence profiles. COACH-D predicts the binding residues based on homologous templates identified from a nucleic acids-binding library.For a submitted query protein sequnce, the returned results include two sets of predicted binding residues, one for DNA-binding and the other for RNA-binding. Read more about the NucBind algorithm...


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  • H. Su, M. Liu, S. Sun, Z. Peng, J. Yang, Improving the prediction of protein-nucleic acids binding residues via multiple sequence profiles and the consensus of complementary algorithms, Bioinformatics, 35: 930-936 (2019).