Function Annotation for BL2655816



Assembly ID: 8hfr_1

Stoichiometry type: Hetero 58-mer
Assembly defined by: Author
PDB ID: 8hfr
Experimental method: ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
Resolution: 2.64 Å
UniProt ID: P0C0W9 P05744 Q08687 P0CX53 P0CX82 P05749 P02406 P05738 Q02753 P36105 Q12522 Q07915 P05740 P0C2H6 P40078 P14126 P05743 P38202 Q12690 P10664 P38861 P14120 P0CX49 P0CX41 P0CX27 P0CX43 P05745 Q99257 P0CX45 P05748 P87262 P0CX84 P0C2H8 P53742 P38061 P05737 P26784 P33201 P34232 Q03862 Q02892 P26321 P17076 P49166 P49167 Q02326 P05747 P0CX25 P47019 P0CX23 P39715 P04456 Q08004 P04650
PubMed ID: 37258668


Ligand ID: MG
Ligand name: Magnesium(2+)
Biological relevance: Irrelevant



Ligand ID Name SynonymsFormula 2D structure
MG Magnesium(2+) Mg N/A

Binding affinity

Experimental affinity N/A
Predicted affinity N/A, show detail

Surface area (A2)

Surface area of receptor N/A
Surface area of ligand N/A
Surface area of complex N/A
Interface area N/A


  • Wei et al, Q-BioLiP: A Comprehensive Resource for Quaternary Structure-based Protein–ligand InteractionsGenomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 22(1), qzae001, 2024. (PDF)